The Dog that loved News at Ten

Da always watched the news and his favourite was News at Ten. It was then a nightly routine that, after the news, he would take our dog Brandy out for a walk ‘around the block’. When I was a little older I would go with him. I enjoyed talking to Da as we slowly walked Brandy around the roads and streets. These nightly walks were such a ritual that Brandy even got to know the theme music for the News at Ten. She was very clever; as she never got excited when the news came on. She knew the difference between the opening music (accompanied by the loud ‘bongs’ of Big Ben as the newsreader announced the headlines) and the closing music. As soon as she heard the closing music, she’d up and acting all excited in expectation of going for her walk. These were the days before remote controls and, on occasions when it would be lashing rain, poor Da was never quick enough to turn down the volume before the end of the news. Brandy would hear the music and get all excited so Da would have put on his coat and bring her for her walk even if it was lashing. It was sometimes the last thing he ever wanted to do but he just couldn’t let Brandy down.